Morning sickness
Morning sickness, typically consisting of
nausea and vomiting, is a common occurrence in pregnancy, especially during the
first trimester. However, up to three percent of pregnant women experience more
severe symptoms called hyperemesis gravidarum.
Morning sickness is a catch-all term referring
primarily to the nausea and vomiting many women experience while pregnant. It’s
a bit of a misnomer because it affects all women differently and at different
times of day, not just in the morning. Some women may vomit once a day and feel
better right afterward; others may feel nauseated throughout the day, but never
get sick.
HG is more serious—usually consisting of
frequent vomiting accompanied by weight loss. It can make it extremely
difficult to go about daily activities. In addition, the poor nutrition and
dehydration can impact both the woman and the developing fetus.
HG treatment
We’re not sure what triggers HG in some women,
so we can’t prevent it. That said, women who have it once are at increased risk
of experiencing it again during future pregnancies. We have several treatment
options, ranging from dietary changes and complimentary therapies to vitamin
supplements and medications. In the most severe cases, women may need to be
hospitalized for treatment.”
Depending on the severity of the symptoms,
treatment for HG may include:
- eating smaller and more frequent snacks;
- drinking electrolyte-replacement beverages;
- avoiding dietary and environmental triggers;
- using supplements such as ginger;
- taking a combination of vitamins, such as B6 with pyridoxine;
- taking medications to reduce vomiting and acid reflux; and
- receiving fluids with hydration or IV medications.
In rare cases, it may be necessary to use other methods to help with nutrition.
untreated, hyperemesis gravidarum can cause complications such as those related
to malnutrition, in addition to other rare conditions related to repetitive
vomiting that may affect multiple organ systems. HG can also be related to
increased rate of preterm birth and infant low birth weight.
Talk to your provider about any symptoms you
experience during pregnancy. Whether you have traditional morning sickness or
more significant symptoms, we can offer advice, guidance and treatment to help
you feel better. Symptoms are almost always temporary, but there is no reason
for you to suffer unnecessarily or alone.